
Curve Interpolator

A lib for interpolating values over a cubic Cardinal/Catmull-Rom spline curve of n-dimenesions.


npm install --save curve-interpolator

Basic usage

Reference the CurveInterpolator class:

// commonjs
const CurveInterpolator = require('curve-interpolator').CurveInterpolator;

// es6
import { CurveInterpolator } from 'curve-interpolator';

Define controlpoints you want the curve to pass through and pass it to the constructor of the CurveInterpolator to create an instance:

const points = [
[0, 4],
[1, 2],
[3, 6.5],
[4, 8],
[5.5, 4],
[7, 3],
[8, 0],

const interp = new CurveInterpolator(points, { tension: 0.2, alpha: 0.5 });

// get single point
const position = 0.3 // [0 - 1]
const pt = interp.getPointAt(position)

// get points evently distributed along the curve
const segments = 1000;
const pts = interp.getPoints(segments);

// lookup values along x and y axises
const axis = 1;
const yintersects = interp.getIntersects(7, axis);

max number of solutions (0 = all (default), 1 = first, -1 = last)
A negative max value counts solutions from end of curve
const axis = 0;
const max = -1;
const xintersects = interp.getIntersects(3.2, axis, max);

// get bounding box
const bbox = interp.getBoundingBox();

Online example on ObservableHQ:


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